In the United States, one in three teens will be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month aims to raise awareness and promote efforts to end abuse in teens and young adults’ relationships.

Like domestic violence in adult relationships, teen dating violence includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. While dating and domestic violence can happen to anyone, teens are a particularly vulnerable group and are often less likely to report an incident. Because teens often defer to other people to make decisions or judgments, many young people do not realize that their relationship might have dating violence dynamics.

LACLJ’s Teen Legal Advocacy (Teen/LA) Program educates and represents teens and young adults experiencing high-conflict and abusive situations. Our attorneys educate young people about safe, healthy relationships and help them understand their legal rights. By providing them with education and advocacy on a wide range of issues, we empower them to make meaningful changes toward safer relationships and stable lives.