When I first came here a decade ago, I never imagined LACLJ would be where it is today. I spent two years at LACLJ then, learning how to be a lawyer from some of the most dedicated and passionate people I know.

LACLJ has always been a place with heart; for its leaders – Hakha Mortezaie, Nancy Ramirez, and Hellen Hong – LACLJ was a labor of love. I am so privileged to stand on the shoulders of these inspiring leaders to lead LACLJ through its next transition.

LACLJ is stronger than ever. Building on the growth and success of the last decade, our talented staff and board are committed to a strategic vision of increasing LACLJ’s impact and sustainability. As we select LACLJ’s next leader, I am so excited for what’s in store in the decade to come.

Brandy Davis
Interim Executive Director