Our Mission


LACLJ secures justice for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and empowers them to create their own futures.


Our vision is a strong community where families are safe, stable and free from injustice.


Community — We believe in a shared community where everyone is connected. Our services are driven by a vision of our community that is respectful, supportive, and non-judgmental.

Creating Opportunities — We are committed to providing survivors with knowledge and tools to help them overcome barriers and create new opportunities. We believe that investing in personal growth and empowerment fosters long-term beneficial outcomes for survivors, their families and the entire community.

Self-Determination — We believe all individuals have the right to know and understand their rights, the options available to them and the potential impact of their choices. We are committed to providing clients with services that are client-centered, trauma-informed and culturally responsive, so clients are educated and empowered to make their best decisions for themselves and their families.

Solidarity — We recognize that all forms of violence and oppression are connected, and we cannot work against one form of injustice and not work against others. We work alongside our partners in the anti-violence movement to dismantle the systems of oppression that enable all forms of violence wherever they occur, including in calling for and working toward an end to the discrimination, anti-immigration bias and structural racism that underlie police brutality and state-sanctioned violence.

Voices for Change — We believe the voices of survivors hold the greatest power in challenging inequity and injustice. We seek to amplify these voices in order to advance systemic change and advocate for a legal system that is fair for all.

Courageous Innovation — We believe in finding innovative and creative solutions for the challenges faced by our clients. We confront these problems with passion to create meaningful change.

Excellence — We are committed to providing high quality services with professionalism and integrity. We support a culture of continuous learning and evaluation to maintain those standards. We believe that investing in the professional development and wellness of our staff will result in the strongest, most capable team to support our mission.

Collaboration — We find learning, opportunity and strength in collaborations among staff, clients, and community partners. We seek to foster partnerships as we believe these relationships are essential to achieving and sustaining transformative change.